Never Die, Never Age, Always Prosper Under the glare of operating lights, doctors conferred. Would they try a new experimental technique to save him? Would they jam quarter-inch diameter needles deep into the bones of both inside ankles? The method was unproven, risky, painful especially for a four-year-old child. Radiating his power, Zon turned his ankles outward as if to say, Do it. With that signal, the doctors proceeded. Zon lived to be struck once again at age five by life-threatening acidosis followed by near-fatal pneumonia. Again, he not only avoided unnatural death, but he quietly flourished with ever increasing strength and power. Yet, child Zon, as all children, had to endure mounting pressures for surrendering to mysticism and dishonesty. And, for 2000 years, every child on Earth, until Zon, lost that secret of immortality. For, automatic dishonesties and mysticisms from Santa Claus to Dickens A Christmas Carol1 are relentlessly thrust upon children by anticivilization adults. On surrendering to the dishonesties and mysticisms of adults, each childs limitless, immortal C of U view of life converts into the bizarrely unnatural anticivilization view of limitations, sacrifice, and death. Zon was a strongly right-brained dyslexic. While recovering from near fatal sicknesses, he vividly hallucinated whenever he lay down to rest. Those hallucinations were always the same convincingly realistic experience of levitating into the cosmos. Each such experience seemed lucidly real to the five-year-old Zon. Yet, sensing the laws of nature and objective reality, he aggressively, frantically fought off any conscious or subconscious acceptance of those mystical illusions. He would twist, writhe, and even scream in rejecting such intrusions of hallucination and mysticism. No one knew of Zons struggle to hold onto reality by rejecting mind-created mysticisms. That fierce struggle to remain 1Charles Dickens turned reality upside down. He made a villain of the business-hero Scrooge and then transmogrified him into an uncompetitive, altruistic wimp reprogrammed to lose his high-effort business that provided livelihoods for those who condemned him. 33 |