Youcan outcompeteGodNEVER DIE, NEVER AGE, ALWAYS PROSPER 1 . An unnatural, irrational, parasite-ruled anticivilization has existed on Earth for 2300 years. 2. Neo-Tech/Zon isolates the anticivilization with a moat of stone silence. 3. Through cyberspace arises the natural, rational, free-market Civilization of the Universe (C of U). 4. The competitive free-enterprise/cybercash C of U will easily, quickly replace Earth’s uncompetitive y2k anticivilization. Zon’s Quintessential Secret Neo-Tech via ZonNeo-Tech means new technology and business techniques based on fully integrated honesty and wide-scope accounting. Zon is any competitive person wielding the business power of fully integrated honesty and wide-scope accounting. Those concepts are 7 |