Outcompete God poor and downtrodden. Who has done the most widespread, long-range harm among the peoples of this world Princess Diana or Mother Teresa? No contest. Mother Teresa has and will continue to inflict the most harms among the populace of Earths anticivilization. Neither, however, was directly destructive as were power-driven politicians from Hitler to Stalin, from Lincoln to FDR. Yet, the Diana/Teresa hoax of altruism and human sacrifice to higher causes sacrifice to others, the state, the parasitical elites made possible those tyrants and politicians of mass destruction. And, finally, from the productive side, none of the above ever legitimately created or sustained a net-value job or met a payroll for anyone. The above paragraph is not a personal attack on Mother Teresa, who perhaps acted with some genuine compassion and provided some direct values to certain individuals. Her widespread, net harms arise from the hoax of sacrifice ethics that she fostered and fueled. Those are the ethics upon which all destructive politicians depend. But, now, the coming Neo-Tech cyberspace/cybercash businesses are going to (1) outcompete God, (2) end the Princess-Di/Mother-Teresa hoaxes, and (3) vanish the anticivilization, replaced with tributes to the genuine benefactors of this world the real value-and-job producers such as Jay Gould, Michael Milken, and Leona Helmsley. 6 |