Outcompete God loyal to the laws of nature and objective reality inoculated him from subsequent mysticisms increasingly pressed on him by legions of anticivilization adults. Thus, Zon never yielded to the mysticisms of adults and never became corrupted with the dishonesties of Earths anticivilization. Victorious over mysticism, the seemingly weak and sickly Zon grew stronger than all others. In third grade at school, his nature-obeying mind combined with the Quintessential Secret to guide his survival/prosperity mechanisms. His no-boundary, widely integrating mind captured the strength of Zons throughout the Universe. Yet, he was not free from errors. No one in the Universe is free from errors. And, Zon paid for his errors from his own pocket. Thus, he learned, grew, and collected rewards by correcting his errors, rejecting problems that did not exist, and solving problems that did exist. Like other human beings, Zon was born with a blank mind a tabula rasa mind as Francis Bacon identified no pre knowledge, no intuitions, no special gifts. He had no higher source of knowledge or mystical messages from beyond. He, as everyone, had to learn everything himself, from scratch, bit by piece, from the anticivilization. But, he especially sensed, picked, and assembled precious pieces from the Civilization of the Universe scattered throughout this world and its history. He found widely integrated classical/romantic music and its composers among the richest source of entities in the anticivilization that reflect the C of U. For example, from composer Rimsky-Korsakov, Zon discovered the C of U exemplar of self-learning and self-responsibility. From Gustav Mahlers Symphony #1, The Titan, Zon sensed the mighty C of U concept of wide-scope, include-everything integrations. Zon also captured Mahlers statement, My time will come. And, now, Zons time has come through the revelation of his Quintessential Secret in cyberspace. * * * 34 |