Outcompete God Eternal prosperity rises from the unfettered, competitive dynamics of business. In those dynamics, limitless profits are generated, not for self-indulgent consumption, but for continually enhancing efficient, competitive value production directed toward commercial preservation of youth, health, and life. Life for each then becomes an ever increasing spiral of value production producing exciting, commercial values for others and society. Every individual becomes immensely valuable, important, and profitable to everyone else. Each individual, therefore, becomes the most protected, precious asset in the Universe Taking a Road Never Trod Because a road has never been trod on Earth does not mean that everyone on Earth cannot trod that road to non-aging, eternal prosperity. Zons first memory was at three years of age when he saw six-year-old children incinerating ants with magnifying glasses. Zon refused to pointlessly kill or injure any life, even the life of an ant. He felt at one with life, especially with animals and young children. For, they are natural entities of the C of U. They have no dishonesties. As animals came to Henry Thoreau, they come to Zon. They commune as one, as innocent equals naturally, honestly, from the C of U. At four years of age, Zon was dying from a usually fatal form of acidosis. At two oclock in the morning, his assigned Mary-and-Joseph parents rushed him thirty miles to a hospital. Lying on the back seat of a Packard, he watched the glowing lamp posts whiz past. During that ride, he touched a power not bound to Earth. He touched the limitless power of nature roaming the Universe. Sensing the power of mans mind combined with the universal power of nature, child Zon knew he would get well and grow ever stronger. He sensed that the other Zons throughout the Universe would not permit losing his future of endless values and profits to them and everyone else. 32 |