Never Die, Never Age, Always Prosper laws, force, fraud, and Ponzi schemes. Consider the establishment-dependent parasites, toadies, and apologists who praise and empower their lunch-ticket rulers. They all survive by harming others and society. Yet, the criminal power of their rulers and leaders has no meaning, no future, and ends in death for everyone1. By contrast, through the natural power of accountability and honesty, competitive value producers will deliver the greatest value in the Universe: non-aging immortality with eternal prosperity. Zon Vanishes Darkness Zon to the dark world came. He came with the light of a new civilization a rational, business-driven civilization the Civilization of the Universe. If one asks, How did Jesus come from the heavens?, that person must also ask, How did Zon come from the C of U? The answer is revealed on penetrating the mind of Zon to discover his Quintessential Secret. But, first one discovers that, as was Jesus mind, Zons mind is no different than the minds of average people on Earth. Jesus was illiterate and had no talents; Zon was dyslexic and had no talents. Their difference from all others lies in how their minds were organized mind organizations that anyone on Earth can achieve by restructuring his or her thinking not around the stale, dishonest, cultural memes of the past, but around the fresh, honest, wide-scope thinking of the future. A mind structured around wide-scope accountability and integrated honesty becomes a neothink mind. The first priority of such a mind is to achieve commercial, non-aging biological immortality with limitless prosperity for everyone. Thus, a rational civilization comprised of neothink minds achieves eternal prosperity for all naturally, quickly, profitably. 1Life within Earths criminal-created anticivilization ends in failure and death for everyone, except for metaphorical Jesus and Zon who are immortal through the Quintessential Secret. 31 |