Never Die, Never Age, Always Prosper Earth. For, those countless advanced civilizations would have no economic or scientific incentive to visit Earths civilization as detailed in the Neo-Tech Long Wave document published in 1985 by I & O Publishing Company. (See zonpower/book/chapters/chapter6.html) Now, today, comes the only possible reason for civilizations to expend the time and energy to contact Earth. To get its unique, individual-composed, conceptual music! Indeed, Earths widely integrated music would deliver great pleasures and, thus, deliver commercial values to other civilizations, no matter how advanced. What else of value could this anticivilization offer to advanced civilizations, except its unique music of universal beauty? Nothing 3. Mortals value time because their time of life is limited. Immortals would not value time because their time of life is unlimited. Are those statements true or false? They are not only false but the reverse is the fact. That fact can be understood once one identifies the anticivilization versus the C of U with their totally separate natures natures connected only by C of U essences of music, mathematics, physics, chemistry, creativity, business, and positive emotions such as love and happiness. In the anticivilization, those most pressured and frantic for every moment of time are the intensely creative, highly successful businesspeople, Nobel-status scientists, high-tech genius creators midst fast-track competitive pressures... and driven-to-collapse composers of C of U music as often happened to the great composers of classical and romantic music. Such time-valuing, high-pressured, competitive value producers are generally the happiest, most-prosperous people on Earth. Those frantic time seekers are not pressed for capturing every bit of time for maximum use because they are mortals with only limited time available. Instead, they are desperate for time because of the high intensity pressures and excitement to create and produce before their opportunity or inspiration is lost to competition, obsolescence, or time-wasting distractions. 23 |