Outcompete God 1 . Consider the two most extremely opposite philosophers: the great optimist Aristotle and the great pessimist Schoppenhauer. Surprisingly, they both come from the same implicit sensing of the anticivilization on Earth versus the Civilization of the Universe. The sum-total implication of Aristotle was that the most desired life on Earth is the contemplative life. The sum-total implication of Schoppenhauer was that the only worthwhile value on Earth is music. Both philosophers were coming from the implicit rejection of Earth’s anticivilization in seeking the Civilization of the Universe. Through contemplation, Aristotle created a basically honest primacy-of-existence philosophy like that of the C of U. While Schoppenhauer created a basically dishonest primacy-of-consciousness philosophy like that of Earth’s anticivilization. Aristotle loved his mind-created C of U. Thus, his desired life was to leave the irrational anticivilization that surrounded him by creating and then contemplating the rational C of U in his mind. Schoppenhauer hated the anticivilization. He loved only music. Thus, to him, great music that belonged to “another world” was the only real value to be found in life on Earth. Without identifying the entities of and relationships among the anticivilization, the C of U, and integrated music, anyone would see those two philosophers as opposites. Still, both would seem to be reflecting desires for total cop-outs from life here on Earth: Aristotle opting for doing nothing except live a contemplative life; Schoppenhauer opting for doing nothing except listen to music. But, on understanding the relationships among the anticivilization, the C of U, and music, one discovers Aristotle and Schoppenhauer were twins in rejecting life in the anticivilization and seeking life in the Civilization of the Universe in the form of contemplating the perfect life and listening to the perfect music. 2. Two seemingly contradictory, yet preeminent positions for Neo-Tech since 1976 are (1) the high probability of countless, far-more advanced civilizations throughout the universe combined with (2) the improbability of extraterrestrial life ever visiting 22 |