Outcompete God *** Solveigs Song Bonnie Lou Solveig was her name. She was the prettiest, smartest girl in the third grade. She was also a child prodigy a concert pianist. Her name became a song as she walked with Zon across a field hidden behind the blockhouses of the working class. She was from another world. Someday, she would teach Zon the omnipotence of fully integrating honesty with conscious life. Someday, the entire Civilization of the Universe would be embodied in her body and soul. Suddenly, Solveig stopped, sank to her knees, grabbed for the buttons on Zons fly and implored, You are my god. I want you to do to me what my father does to my mother every night. I want you to do it to me every day forever 11 wait till youre like me. Ill wait till you wont die. Then youll do it to me forever. to be continued until 38 |